Tuesday, December 7, 2010

DIY faux fur vest

Being a college student on a budget has really helped bring out my creativity. DIY projects are my absolute favorite because it challenges me to be resourceful and helps me focus my energy and creativity on something...which is good because I'm definitely a "hands on" kind of person.

With the recent trend of faux fur popping up everywhere, I never found the perfect vest or within a reasonable price range. After hearing about the book P.S.--I Made This... by Erica Domesek, I jumped into my car and headed to Barnes & Noble to get my hands on it!

This book is so great. It's simple and so inspiring, the best part--you don't need a sewing machine! How awesome!

One of the projects was this great DIY faux fur vest that was so easy to make. It seriouly took me 30 minutes at most, to actually make it. I love how it turned out, and I can wear it to have the top rolled like a collar. Its warm, fuzzy, and made by me!

The faux fur was only $10 per yard, and I'm sure you can find sales and deals at your local fabric stores! It's totally worth making, especially if your on the fence with this trend. I knew I wouldn't wear it all the time, so why spend $30+ for something that might stay in my closet?

Pictures of me wearing the vest are posted above!

If you try this yourself, let me know! I want to see your lovely creations!