Thursday, April 28, 2011

greener pastures

Thrifted jacket, Gap jeans & top, Target boots, vintage necklace

Since the last time I posted, Fayetteville has become Waterworld. I have never seen so much rain in my life and the flooding in our area was almost crazy to believe. Because of the constant rain my outfits have been consisting of jeans and boots, which I don't mind at all. I have a week left of school before finals and I have so many projects on my plate right now. I am pretty excited about how much I've done considering my horrible case of LAZYBONEZZZ! I've been working on a peter pan collar blouse for my pattern drafting class, and after staring at measurements for so long I am soo sleepy. I'm in the homestretch now, but I'll be back to regular blogging in no time :) 
Stay warm, dry, and happy!
P.S. don't forget--you have one day to enter my giveaway!


  1. love the thrifted jacket!! & the boots are lovely too :)

    ps. good luck on finals!!! i can't wait til mine are over too!

  2. i love the military jacket ;) goodluck with school!

  3. I'm sooo busy and stressed myself with school! Good luck with all your work!

  4. i know i've said this before, but every time you post a new photo, i want to chop all my hair off. is yours naturally that straight or do you have help? my hair is so thick and poofy and i'm just afraid i'll look like carrot top...minus the carrot

  5. Love that jacket and those boots! Good luck on your finals! I still have five weeks of school before finals but they will be over in no time!

  6. wow wow wow!! absolutely love your jacket and boots!

  7. I adore your boots ♥ And you look really cute in boyish clothes.

  8. All this works so well together.
    Please post about the blouse you're working on when your done, I'd really love to see whatever you have!
    I agree with everyone else, good luck with school!

  9. Adorable jacket. Sorry to hear about the flooding! I hope everything goes back to normal, especially with the end of the school year coming up. :)

  10. I love the jacket, it looks great on you!

  11. i love this military look! you usually wear romantic clothes but this style suits you well too!! xx

  12. Normally I have a certain dislike for camo, but this jacket looks great on you, and I love your boots! Good luck with everything for school! ♥

  13. cute look!!! love the jacket!! :)

  14. Wait a tick, those boots are from Target?! They look so nice! I also have a pair of similar boots but I dont know, lately I feel like they're not skinny enough around the ankle which sorts of bugs me. Sigh. Oh well!

  15. Stay dry indeed! Hope the rain will stop soon.
    Those boots are absolutely amazing.

  16. grrrrrrrrrrr that's so cool! I wish it could rain around here for once... last time it rained was around... November? Yeah, not cool! So enjoy the rain, who does not like wearing jeans and boots during spring :)?

  17. you look way too cool brittany! hmm sounds like seattle sent you some bad rainy weather! ;)


  18. I really like these pictures! You look cute and I like your dimples, especially when you try not to smile! :))

    Alicia im Wunderland

  19. Hi Brittany, new follower here. This outfit is wicked cute! I am definitely inspired by your camo + turquoise jewelry combo...good thing I have some camo shorts in the rotation for the 30 for 30 challenge I'm doing this month!

    Good luck staying dry and finishing up with classes. Summer is so so close; you can do it!

  20. loooving this military style inspired outfit. you look gorgeous and fierce ;). and aw dang, im sending lots of sun from cali to you!! i hope its not raining as much now. dang :/. but anyways, i hope you're having a lovely weekend girl! :)

    <3, Kathleen.

  21. You loooook AMAZING. i really like this... you pull it off so well and somehow it still has bit of girly to it. i love the boots. I really want a pair like that.

  22. looking uber cool there with the army jacket.


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