Friday, November 12, 2010

cozy camel, cuddly cat

vintage camel blazer, Monet flower ring, F21 top, Target necklace

One thing that I love about Fayetteville is that we have quirky little stores that are scattered all throughout town. From little boutiques to funky little thrift stores-- there is something for everyone, you just have to go out and find it! I found this blazer while on my treasure hunt at Cheap Thrills for only $15. I instantly fell in love with it! I'm not a big fan of velvet, but since it was only on the collar it wasn't a deal breaker. And of course, I couldn't say no to this camel color! The black velvet feels so cozy wrapped around my neck and it almost feels like Zeusy's fur ( the chunky black cat pictured above), which is great because he is the softest little snuggler ever!

On another note, I'm happy to announce that one of the student organizations that I'm involved in (Volunteer Action Center) along with the help of my university, will be opening one of the 1st campus food pantries in the SEC (Southeastern Conference).  I'm the PR/Marketing director for VAC, which means I get to work with wonderful people, express my creativity, and bring my ideas to life. I do it all for free, simply because volunteering  is such an important thing that I hold dear to my heart and it's a big part of who I am.

It's so exciting to see something that we've all worked so hard on finally transition from a dream to reality.


  1. you are so adorable, I love this blazer and all your jewelry! following!


  2. Adorable outfit. So simple, yet chic. Of course, I think that your cat is the best accessory here :P What's his/her name? Please follow me :D

  3. Thanks lovelies! His name is Zeus and well he is the best accessory, wish I could take him everywhere with me!

  4. your accessories are to-die-for!
    and your cat is pretty sweet too ;) haha.

    Rosie x

    would love for you to look at my new blog:

  5. Good on you for volunteering and making things happen :)
    Lovely jacket, awesome colour!
    Your cat looks like my mum's cat!

  6. i love all your necklaces! the camel coat and cat are so cool haha :)


  7. this outfit is perfect. i love that ring and blazer. congrats on your dreams coming true! that is so remarkable and awesome.

  8. i just came across your blog... omg i love your jewelry. i am very big about jewelry. nice ring


  9. so chic~luv this look!! this jewelry is stunning & cute cat :D

  10. This blazer is perfect!

    Stephanie May


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