Sunday, November 14, 2010

sunday brunch

vintage black booties, F21 beret & belt, Target dress & tights, BB Dakota coat, Something Urban wing necklace, thrifted Nine West clutch

Nothing I'm wearing is over $25. I love saying that, because being thrifty is a good skill to establish. 
I found these vintage booties which I like to call my "witchy boots", for only $10. This  Nine West  clutch was only $8.50.  And this BB Dakota coat is actually a cocoa color, despite the misleading pictures and its so lightweight and comfortable I bought it for $20!

I wore this olive colored lace dress, because I ran out of clean jeans. Its so comfortable and makes me feel like a fairy. But it's good for a creature of comfort like me to pull out my dresses, because it's nice to feel girly every once in a while. 

I wore this outfit to brunch today.  Its been the second day in a row where I'm up early enough to order breakfast! Bananas foster french toast yesterday, and chocolate chip pancakes today--complete bliss. nom nom nom.


  1. love your thrifted ensemble!
    thanks for stopping by my blog :)

    following you now!

    Rosie x

  2. Oh my goshhh, you silly girl!! Why did you not tell me you had a blog before?! Any who, I absolutely love this post! The coat looks amazing on you ^_^

  3. nice outfit! great dress and coat:)
    you're lucky you had time to actually sit down and eat breakfast! I eat my bagel and peanut butter on the go haha

  4. love outfit!
    I'd like you follow me! ^^ I wait you!

  5. Such a lovely outfit. The colours of the dress and coat go so well together. The backdrop is quite spectacular as well. I wish I had scenery like that around here.


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