Wednesday, November 17, 2010

dark and dreary

f21 cardigan & top, thrifted booties, target beanie

School is definitely getting the best of me. I just have to keep reminding myself its almost time for the break. Very sad weather today, which didn't help having to wake up for a 7:15 meeting followed by non-stop classes, appointments, and everything else in between. Not to mention, 3 hours of sleep. The beanie I'm wearing was only $2.99 at Target(in the young mens section), so of course I had to get them in all the necessary colors. I have similar ones from F21 that I paid twice the price, yes I enjoy good deals! 

Slouchy beenies like this are a definite comfort thing for me, not only does it keep me warm but makes me feel safe. This cardigan is probably one of my favorites, its from F21 but its unique and I got it a while back as a gift. 

I'm gonna go watch Scott Pilgrim and The Last Airbender, and channel my inner nerd--while eating carrot cake. yumm

Stay lovely!


  1. great cardigan! i know right. beanies are just amazing.

    scott pilgrim is gooddd.

    following :)


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